Geriatric Physical Therapist in Hinsdale, IL
Geriatric physical therapy is a type of physical therapy that is designed exclusively for older persons and their unique concerns and challenges. Geriatric physical therapy recognizes that as people age, they become less active, lose muscle strength, coordination, and response time, and have a lesser tolerance for physical exertion. Visit Dr. Omar Hussein, at Progressive Physical Therapy. Our services are intended to help our aging population maintain, improve, and restore functional independence. For more information, contact us today or book an online appointment at your earliest convenience – we would love to help you through your recovery. We are conveniently located at 15 Spinning Wheel Road Ste. 24 Hinsdale, IL 60521.
Additional Services You May Need
▸ Back Pain & Sciatica
▸ Neck & Arm Pain
▸ Balance & Dizziness (Vertigo)
▸ Physical Therapy
▸ Arthritis
▸ Biodex Balance Assessment
▸ Cold Laser
▸ Fall Prevention
▸ Gait Analysis
▸ Gait Dysfunction
▸ Migraine & Headache
▸ Parkinson’s Disease
▸ Post-operative Joint Replacement Rehabilitation
▸ Shoulder Rehabilitation
▸ Spinal Cord Injury
▸ Sports-related Injuries
▸ Stroke Recovery
▸ Traumatic Brain Injury
▸ Vestibular Rehabilitation
▸ Lymphedema
▸ Oncology Rehabilitation
▸ Telehealth